Saturday, January 08, 2011

Double Weave Workshop

Oct 31, 2010:
double weave pillowsdouble weave pocketdouble weave sampler front
Another awsome thing you can do with a 4 shaft loom!  The Woodland Weavers and Spinners Guild of Damascus has a weaving study group, and member Nellie taught a two day Double Weave Workshop which was amazing.  At first I was a little reluctant to take the class, as I didn't see an immediate use for double weaving and I was distracted by Twill.  I also had a borrow a warping board and get my loom warped before the class, which I didn't get to till the last minute.

So the day before class I started warping, all was going very smoothly.  I even used my homemade raddle and lease sticks.
By late afternoon I was threading the heddles only to discover I didn't have enough of them.  So I had make my own.  "Perhaps I won't go to the workshop?" It went smoother than I thought it would but it was time consuming.  It was after midnight and I was getting that "school paper due tomorrow panic" when I prematurely pulled out the lease sticks, having not yet threaded reed. " Noooooooooooooo! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

It all worked out in the end.  I finished threading the reed and greatly enjoyed learning a whole new aspect to weaving that I never knew existed.  Tubes, pockets, pillows, lace and the ability to weave twice the width of fabric than the width of the loom.

double quilt revdouble quilt lace

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